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Prodotti cani Guidolin Gianni


Prodotti conigli Guidolin Gianni


Prodotti roditori Guidolin Gianni


Prodotti gatti Guidolin Gianni


Prodotti rettili Guidolin Gianni


2G Pet Food with its line dedicated to four-legged friends offers a wide range of complete and complementary feed to enrich the daily dog’s diet with the right amount of nutrients useful for its well-being.
The use of carefully selected ingredients, Made in Italy, steam processed guarantee a healthy and balanced meal, while maintaining the high biological value of the food and the high digestibility, as well as the taste and crunchiness. All recipes are made through the use of a unique combination of completely natural ingredients, without the addition of by-products, additives, preservatives or sugar, to feed your dog and provide functional benefits and the right amount of energy for each activity.

The 2G Pet Food line for small animals consists of natural recipes to guarantee a healthy and balanced diet and high nutritional value every day. Complete and complementary food based on hay of high quality and free of powders, with the addition of vegetables, legumes, steamed cereals to maintain their organoleptic properties unaltered and optimally satisfy the nutritional needs of small friends without sacrificing taste.

Cocco Bed: For rabbits and rodents , as well as cats and reptiles, the exclusive 100% vegetable Cocco Bed bedding , made only from coconut fibre.
  • 100% all natural
  • Highly digestible
  • No artificial additives
  • Sensitive care
  • Ogm free


Diet complete alimento completo per cani con crocchette di carne e pesce top view

Dog food

Biscotti per cani con banana e avena in fiocchi igredienti naturali

Dog treats

Barrette funzionali con fitoestratti per cani

Functional bars

Rabbits and pets

Muesli flakes mix di cereali per roditori

Small animal feed

Lettiera ecologica in fibra di cocco per cavalli e animali domestici

Pet bedding

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