2G Pet Food

Rosemary Cookies Herbs

Dog cookies with rosemary

Rosemary Cookie Herbs, healthy snacks for dogs enriched with chopped rosemary: a source of vitamin A, B6 and minerals such as potassium, calcium and iron. Rosemary, a natural antioxidant! Available formats: 350 g (12.4 oz).

  • Dogs of all sizes
  • Puppy, adult, senior

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Naturalmente dolce sugar free

No added sugar

Erbe naturali

Real minced rosemary

Vero trito di rosmarino

Rosemary natural antioxidant

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Rosemary Cookies Herbs

Dog cookies with rosemary

Did you know that…? Rosemary, rich of mineral salts (potassium, calcium and iron) and vitamin B6, is a refreshing digestive, a depurative, decongestant and a natural tonic and stimulant. Rosemary has antiseptic, antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

Biscotti per cani con rosmarino

Complementary feed for dogs

Composition: Wheat flour type 0, fioretto corn flour, rosemary 5%, vegetable oils and fats, mineral substances.

TENORI ANALITICI – Analytical tenors
Ténors analytique, Tenöre analytische, Componentes analíticos
Proteina grezza – Crude protein
Protéines brutes, Rohprotein, Proteína bruta
Oli e grassi grezzi – Crude fat
Matières grasses brutes, Rohfett, Aceites y grasas brutas
Cellulosa grezza – Crude fibre
Fibre brute, Rohfaser, Fibra bruta
Ceneri grezze – Crude ash
Cendres brutes, Rohasche, Cenizas brutas
Did you know that…
Crude proteins: are the building blocks of the body and serve to build tissues and muscles.
Raw fats: are a source of energy and must be commensurate with the daily energy needs of animals.
Crude fibre (or raw cellulose): for regular intestinal functioning.
Crude ash: are the inorganic component, i.e. the minerals contained in the ingredients of food. They are called “crude ashes” because, if we incinerate the food, they would be the part that remains (the ash, in fact), while the organic component would be completely burned. For example: Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium.
2G Pet Tips
Always make plenty of fresh water available to your dog.
We recommend that you always follow the advice of your veterinarian for feeding your dog.
Dose giornaliera – Daily portion
Ration quoditienne, Tagesration, Dosis diaria
Peso del cane – Dog weight
Poids du chien, Gewicht des Hundes, Peso del perro
Pz/giorno – Pc/day
Pce/jour, Stk/Tag, Ud./Día
< 15 kg1 – 5
15 kg – 30 kg5 – 10
> 30 kg10 – 15

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Weight N/A