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    Feed for rabbits
    and rodents

    Mangimi naturali per roditori con cereali, veri pezzi di frutta verdura Mangimi naturali per roditori con cereali, veri pezzi di frutta verdura
Muesli flakes mix di cereali per roditori

Complete and complementary feed for rabbits and rodents

Hay for rabbits and rodents in wafers: A convenient and practical feed for small animals, consisting of a mixture of selected hay and forage. Dedusted hay cubes with and without flaked cereals. Munching compact wafers is a tasty pastime and promotes proper tooth wear since rabbits munch for longer compared to loose hay.

Flaked muesli for rodents: Steamed cereals, fruit, vegetables and legumes combined in a highly nutritious and digestible mix for your little rodent friend. A crunchy flake muesli in which you can clearly see what your hamster is eating.