Guidolin Horses

Eco-friendly coconuts bedding

Ecolettiera is the coconut horse litter, made only with plant-based fibres obtained from coconuts. 100% natural and unprocessed. It does not undergo any alteration and/or chemical process to alter its colour or scent. Available formats: 26 kg.

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Ecologica e riciclabile


Non si attacca al pelo

Does not stick to their fur

Non appetibile per il cavallo

Unpalatable to horses

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Eco-friendly coconuts bedding

100% natural coconut horse litter

Ecolettiera – the coconut fibre horse litter – is obtained from coconuts, an innovative, very elastic and soft material, which prevents limb and ligament fatigue. The softness and elasticity of the bedding, like a “mattress” creates the ideal conditions for horses’ hooves, ligaments, tendons and joints. A completely natural and highly absorbing material, for long-lasting use and lower quantities used/disposed of.

  • A healthy hoof reveals a high level of well-being, for that, many vet advised Eco-Bedding for its absorption and “holding” properties that are second to none

  • An healthy bedding guarantees optimal phyto-sanitary conditions and prevents the onset of serious diseases (rheumatism, respiratory, worms or onychomycosis of the foot etc)

  • Coconut fibre reduces foul urine and ammonia smells, which can cause respiratory and eye issues

100% biodegradable – compostable

Coconut litters are 100% biodegradable and can be used as farming fertilizer and as composting material. Coconut litters are the best solution to solve the disposal issue, because the quantity removed from the box is less bulky, compared to other horse litters, and can be spread directly on the field as fertilizer.

Less than 20% moisture

Every litter has a different moisture, based on the material it is produced with. This percentage is an important indicator of its capacity to absorb
the liquids and moisture present in our horse’s litter. A very low moisture percentage will ensure a higher capacity of the material to absorb moisture and liquids, for a drier and healthier environment. Coconut litters have less than 20% moisture, and this ensures higher absorbency compared to other traditional materials, such as straw.

Dust free

Ecolettiera is dust-free and is the perfect solution for horses allergic to dust or with respiratory issues. The absence of dust makes the
coconut litter perfect for horses with bronchitis and allergies, because it does not contain chemicals or fungal spores.

100% vegetable fibre

Only 100% vegetables fiber from coconuts husk. Eco Bedding is not bleached and has no added chemicals or harmful additives or
artificial fragrance, in order to maintain the absorbency properties of the fibre. Every treatment could degrade the fibre potential. 100% coconuts fibre bedding, for the safe and health of your horse. Horses don’t eat the bedding, coconuts fibre bedding doesn’t contains resins.

Easy to use

Ecolettiera is easy to prepare and maintain (solid dejections remain separated and easy to remove). Thanks to its high absorbency,
the litter surface is always dry.

Recommended use

Ecolettiera is easy to use both during initial preparation and during maintenance, since the solid part of the manure remains clearly separated and easy to remove. Initially, distribute 3 bales over the entire surface area of the stall (for 3x3m stalls). Only the sides need to be removed daily, while the wet part needs to be aerated to allow it to be reused. The quantity can be increased depending on consumption. 1-2 bales per month for daily maintenance.

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Weight N/A
Formato en

1 lt, 1,45 lb, 1,54 lb, 12,4 oz, 14 kg, 15 kg, 17 kg, 18 kg, 2 kg, 2.5 kg, 25 kg, 26 kg, 30×14 g, 30×24 g, 33,1 lb, 350 g, 4,4 lb, 4,41 lb, 5 lt, 5,51 lb, 55,1 lb, 600 g, 700 g, 8 kg, Box 20 kg