2G Pet Food


Functional snacks for dogs - Muscles and joints

Be-Active, all-natural bar supporting dog musculoskeletal system wellbeing, relieving joint and muscle soreness. Without added-sugars, preservatives, artificial colourings or flavourings. Available formats: 30 * 14 g.

  • Dogs of all sizes
  • Puppy, adult, senior

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SKU: #890 BE ACTIVE 30X14 GR



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100% all natural

Proprietà antinfiammatorie

Antiinflammatory properties

Muscoli e articolazioni

Muscles and joints

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Natural snack bar for the support of your dog’s muscles and joints

Be-Active is a natural concentrate of herbal power, with carefully selected ingredients. The active ingredients of Boswellia, Turmeric and Fenugreek help improve muscle and, especially, dog’s joint mobility. The bar helps to reduce stiffness; inflammation; swelling and soreness connected to joint diseases and illness and also helps post-trauma and post-exercise recovery. The use of Be-Active is suggested to dogs affected by joint diseases, muscular fatigue and soreness after intense exercise, to dogs predisposed to joint pathologies, to senior and sports dogs involved in joint-stressing activities such as working-, rescue-, hunting- and agility dogs. The bar is tasty for dogs, who can easily eat it as a common snack, turning a simple moment of dog health-care into a time for pampering your pet.

The advantages of using Be-Active:

• Suitable in case of muscular and articular disease and illness.
• Improving joint mobility.
• Reducing articulation inflammation, swelling and soreness.
• Supporting post-trauma and post-exercise muscle recovery.

Which are the areas Be-Active affects?

Be-Active’s target areas are mostly the joints. Be-Active helps in case of ailments and pathologies of the dogs’ joints and helps reduce stiffness, inflammation, swelling and soreness of their joints, muscles, tendons and cartilage.

Product FAQs

Be-Active is a functional snacks for dogs. Be-Active helps to relieve joint stiffness, inflammation, swelling and soreness. Suggested cases for use include:

• Stiffness;
• Articular inflammation;
• Muscular fatigue and soreness after intense activity;
• Post-trauma recovery support;
• Breeds predisposed to joint pathologies;
• Senior dogs;
• Dogs involved in joint-stressing activities, such as working-, sheep-, rescue-, hunting- and agility dogs;
• Dogs that are overweight, in order to relieve joint stress.
Feed it daily to your dog to achieve the desired effects. You can feed it to your dog as a treat or crumble it into pieces and mix it into any kind of dog-food. Be-Active’s breakable shape is suitable for all sizes of dog. Follow the feeding suggestion below:

Dogs up to 10 kg: half a bar per day
Dogs over 10 kg: one bar per day
Any time during the day is suitable, both between and during meals, as a snack or crumbled into pieces and mixed into any kind of dog-food, following the feeding suggestion.
In cases of competitions or sports activities demanding intense and concentrated physical exertion that your dog is not used to, such as outdoor trips, start using Be-Active 2 days ahead of the physical exertion and continue to use it at least 3 days afterwards, then continue to use it on a daily basis.
Joint diseases can be temporary, such as trauma and inflammation connected to intense exercise or caused by severe pathologies. Therefore, consult a Vet for appropriate problem evaluation and solutions. Dog owners play a key role in noticing there is something wrong and must quickly consult a Vet. Look out when your dog:

• Seems tired and tends not to move much;
• Seems stiff when walking;
• Has an unusual gait, when walking, running or resting;
• Waking–up, in wintertime and in humid weather gets worst.
Consult a Vet when you notice there is something wrong, since joint diseases can be temporary or connected to chronic diseases. The Vet will understand the cause of the problem and recommend the best solution. You can use Be-Active to relieve joint disease, such as stiffness, inflammation, swelling and soreness. Then, you can:

• Look out for your dog’s weight, adopting a balanced and healthy diet, since excessive weight stresses joints;
• Go for a walk often, even for shorter, but more frequent ones, to safeguard good mobility;
• Provide a comfortable and warm spot in which to rest, avoiding climbing up and down the sofa and especially sleeping on the floor.
Joint pathologies do not only affect senior dogs. Sports and working dogs undergoing continuous joint-stressing activities, even when young, can also be affected. Dogs being overweight or breeds predisposed to specific joints pathologies can suffer from it, too.
Inflammation is usually connected to intense physical exertion or exercise the dog is not used to. Trips, working or sports activities involving an intense or a longer exertion that differs from your dog’s habits can lead to joint inflammation.
Snack funzionale per cani per muscoli ed articolazioni con fitoestratti ingredienti

Complementary feed for dogs

Composition: Wheat flour type 0, fioretto corn flour, herbs mix 12% (Fenugreek, Turmeric, Boswellia), dehydrated apple, vegetable oils and fats, apple flavouring.

TENORI ANALITICI – Analytical tenors
Ténors analytique, Tenöre analytische, Componentes analíticos
Proteina grezza – Crude protein
Protéines brutes, Rohprotein, Proteína bruta
Oli e grassi grezzi – Crude fat
Matières grasses brutes, Rohfett, Aceites y grasas brutas
Cellulosa grezza – Crude fibre
Fibre brute, Rohfaser, Fibra bruta
Ceneri grezze – Crude ash
Cendres brutes, Rohasche, Cenizas brutas
Did you know that…
Crude proteins: are the building blocks of the body and serve to build tissues and muscles.
Raw fats: are a source of energy and must be commensurate with the daily energy needs of animals.
Crude fibre (or raw cellulose): for regular intestinal functioning.
Crude ash: are the inorganic component, i.e. the minerals contained in the ingredients of food. They are called “crude ashes” because, if we incinerate the food, they would be the part that remains (the ash, in fact), while the organic component would be completely burned. For example: Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium.

Recommended use

Dogs up to 10 kg: half a bar per day.
Dogs over 10 kg: one bar per day.
2G Pet Tips
Always make plenty of fresh water available to your dog.
We recommend that you always follow the advice of your veterinarian for feeding your dog.

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Additional information

Weight N/A